Basic Phrases of Oriel Irish

Click on the blue portions to hear the phrases pronounced in Omeath Irish by native speaker, Anna Bean Uí Anluain

Go saibhrí Dia dhuid
‘may God give you luck’, lit. May God enrichen you, said to a man on the road.

Welcome / Hello / Greetings

Thank you

Can you speak Irish?

Sit down and warm yourself

How are you?

Goidé an dóigh atá ort?
How are you?

Goidé an chuma atá ort? (An Chabháin)
How are you?

I am well

I am alright

Tá mé gan dóigh
I not too good

Gá h-ainm at' ort?
Gá h-ainm thú?
Goidé an t-ainm atá ort? (ainm is pron. airm in Monaghan)
What is your name?

What time is it?

It is raining

Coinfheascar mhaith
Good evening

Hurry up with you business

Oíche mhaith
Good night

Beannacht leat


  1. Suimúil, cén achar a bhí clúdaithe faoin gcanúint sin go díreach? Desiceart Ard Mhacha agus Co. Lughaidh amháin nó ar scaip sé níos faide ná sé sin?

  2. Féach an léarscáil thíos - grma


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